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( Tuesday, May 11,2013   )
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) MP’s Rebel against the Leader Devlet Bahceli’s (Taksim) Gezi Park Decision
Yusuf Ziya Irbec, MHP Member of Parliament (MP) for Antalya says “we shall not leave nationalists alone in Gezi Park”
MHP Antalya MP Yusuf Ziya Irbec has provoked a particularly strong reaction to the Leader of MHP Devlet Bahceli’s attitude regarding the demonstrations in Taksim’s Gezi Park. Irbec said “nationalists clearly express that MHP is expected to be more actively involved in the conduct of Gezi Park. Who will support and defend the idealistic young people in Gezi Park?”
 Irbec said that we are experiencing the negative consequences of the current government’s policies toward differentiating the nation in the recent years. Irbec evaluated the present situation to Milliyet Newspaper as in the following:
“They interfered into the people’s bedrooms and the dinner tables, wiped out T.C. (abbreviations for the Republic of Turkey), distributed the tablet PCs, but declared “twitter as the new nuisance”. Where are human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as respect for private and family life? You will come across this conclusion if you constantly interfere with people’s lives and establish barriers to their free thoughts. What is currently happening in Taksim now are the consequences of the wrong policies of the government. The streets have become explosion fields for people since they are fed up with putting up extreme harsh behaviours of the police forces, constantly being told off with an insulting attitude, not being able to move freely, not being regarded as human beings. There is a saying in Anatolia as “you cannot have a straight walking stick out of a twisted tree.” Similarly, it is not democracy if these reactions are not absorbed correctly.”
We need to steer away from the self-centred leaders and their cronies in our politics. Today, the country is like a house on fire but the ruling members are enjoying their lives in the kebab houses, the Prime Minister adds further fuel to the fire with his actions and discourses which increase the current polarization gap wider in the country. While the ruling party is in this state of thoughtlessness, the opposition parties have unfortunately also failed in the same test.”
The Danger Emerges 20 Days Later
Since the beginning of these events the civil police vehicles do not have license plates, or the serial numbers of riot police on their helmets. Spiked sticks are used in Izmir while cars without license plates are used in Ankara. Where is the Prime Minister? It is important to notice that the biggest danger will come after the 20th day of these protests. “Time” is the greatest provocateur at this type of actions. The events will particularly come to a point that cannot be controlled about the 20th and 25th days onward. The biggest responsibility hangs on the shoulders of the ruling party if we do not want this country like a house on fire and to completely lose control over these events. It is time for the Prime Minister to act like a real Prime Minister now, a prudent act that is essential to listen to the voice of those activists. The ruling party must find a solution. It is extremely dangerous to silence the activists with some government supporting crowds, just like the method of spilling petrol in the streets. The main thing here is to accept the method of confrontation with reality, not to choose the collision method. From now on, no one in this country should play politics with anyone’s headscarf or prayer.

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